Student of the Month named for October

Marketing and Communications staff
Makayla Neilson standing with her certificate with Mark Mackey

Makayla Neilson and Residential Technology Coordinator Mark Mackey.

Makayla Neilson has been named Student of the Month for October by the Office of Residence Life.

Makayla is a senior from Homer, NY, with a Graphic Design major and a Computer Science minor. She is also a participant in the Fredonia Field Hockey Club and has been its president for two and a half years. She was nominated for Student of the Month by Residential Technology Coordinator Mark Mackey.

Makayla is also a participant in the Fredonia Honors Program, a Department of Visual Arts and New Media (VANM) Ambassador tour guide, and serves on the Senior Class President’s Committee. She has worked at the ITS Service Center and ResNet as a student technician for six semesters.

“I love the sense of community Fredonia has. Due to the smaller class sizes, I was able to establish close relationships with my peers and work closely with professors which, in retrospect, has enhanced my growth as an artist and as a student.” - Makayla Neilson

When asked about her favorite thing(s) about SUNY Fredonia, Makayla said “I love the sense of community Fredonia has. Due to the smaller class sizes, I was able to establish close relationships with my peers and work closely with professors which, in retrospect, has enhanced my growth as an artist and as a student. In both the VANM department and Computer [and Information Sciences] department, this sense of community has opened the door to a wide expanse of knowledge, opportunities and connections. Outside the classroom, my work at the ITS Service Center and ResNet has also opened up doors to help me to grow as a student, allowing me to learn a new set of skills while also building connections within the office and across campus.”

When asked about her future goals, Makayla said “After I graduate in the spring of 2024, I hope to find a job I love in either web design or as a publication designer, while also freelancing and traveling the world.”

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