DFT Communications makes multiyear commitment as Rockefeller pops sponsor

Doug Osborne-Coy
check presentation for DFT sponsorship

Taking part in the presentation of a sponsorship check are (from left) Dan Siracuse, marketing and public relations manager for DFT Communications; Kurt Maytum, president and chief technical officer for DFT Communications; Jefferson Westwood, director of Rockefeller Arts Center; and Tim Murphy, director of Development for the Fredonia College Foundation.

DFT Communications has made a three-year commitment to serve as the pops series sponsor for Rockefeller Arts Center at SUNY Fredonia.

The agreement covers the 2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24 seasons.

DFT has served as the pops series sponsor continuously since the 2007-08 season.

“We are very pleased to know that our long-standing relationship with DFT Communications will continue for years to come,” Rockefeller Arts Center Director Jefferson Westwood said. “They have been a valued partner in our efforts to bring pops events to the community for 15 years already.”

“We are very pleased to know that our long-standing relationship with DFT Communications will continue for years to come.” - RAC Director Jefferson Westwood

DFT Communications provides phone and Internet service to the Dunkirk, Fredonia, Cassadaga and Jamestown areas. Founded in 1898 in Arthur R. Maytum’s grocery store, DFT has been serving the Dunkirk and Fredonia area for more than 120 years.

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