Maytum Hall administration building on the Fredonia campus.

Reference Check on Employment History

Candidate Information: name, position title, department Contact Information: name, title, telephone number, relationship to candidate

  1. Mr./Ms. Candidate has provided your name as a reference. I am Name, Title, at Fredonia and would appreciate it if you would provide me with 5 minutes of your time to answer some questions.
  2. We are considering him/her for the position of Position Title. The primary duties include: Job Duties. Based on this description and your knowledge of his/her abilities, please describe how he/she can productively perform the position duties?
  3. The candidate indicates he/she was employed from Date to Date. Is this correct? Or, can you tell me the dates he/she was employed with your organization?
  4. The candidate notes his/her salary is $$$. Is this correct? Or, can you confirm his/her base salary?
  5. What was his/her title with your organization?
  6. If applicable, the candidate indicates he/she supervised blank number of employees. Is this correct, and how successful was he/she is motivating others to achieve goals and objectives? (probe for specifics)
  7. How did the candidate get along with others, both inside and outside of the department?
  8. What made the candidate successful in your organization? Or, what were the candidate's greatest professional strengths? (Follow up with can you describe how the candidate utilized these skills when working on an important project or job?)
  9. Are there any unproductive work habits or behaviors (e.g., inattention to detail, failure to communicate effectively, missed deadlines, poor attendance, etc.) that I should be aware of?
  10. What was the candidate's reason for leaving?
Thank you for your insight and information. Verified by: Date: Reference Check on Educational Credentials Candidate Information: name, position title, department, school attended, degree received, date degree received Contact Information: name, title, telephone and fax numbers Verified by: Date: